उत्पाद जानकारीमा छोड्नुहोस्
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क्रिस्टल फोटो किरिंग गहना

क्रिस्टल फोटो किरिंग गहना

नियमित मूल्य $36.00 NZD
नियमित मूल्य $49.00 NZD बेच्ने मुल्य $36.00 NZD
बिक्रि बेचिएको

Dispatched within 1-2 business days.

Delivery Time Estimate: (From Postcode: 4067).

Bigger Crystal Size = More Details

सम्झाउने: क्रिस्टल फोटो किरिङहरू अष्ट्रेलिया भित्र मात्र व्यक्तिगत बिक्रीको लागि उपलब्ध छन्। अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अर्डरहरू अन्यसँग जोडिनुपर्छ। थ्रीडी क्रिस्टल उपहारहरू

व्यक्तिगत क्रिस्टल उपहारहरू

  • आफ्नो फोटो अपलोड गर्नुहोस्: आफ्नो मनपर्ने फोटो अपलोड गरेर सुरु गर्नुहोस्।
  • आफ्नो शैली छान्नुहोस्: आफ्नो मनपर्ने किरिङ डिजाइन छान्नुहोस्।
  • कुशल डिजाइनरहरू: हाम्रा डिजाइनरहरूले तपाईंको फोटोलाई सुन्दर २D क्रिस्टल कि रिङमा परिणत गर्नेछन्, आवश्यक समायोजनहरू गर्नेछन् र तपाईंको विशेष सम्झनालाई हाइलाइट गर्न पृष्ठभूमि हटाउनेछन्।

अद्वितीय फोटो उपहार विचारहरू

  • कुनै पनि अवसरको लागि उत्तम: हाम्रो अनुकूलन क्रिस्टल कि रिंग जन्मदिन, वार्षिकोत्सव, क्रिसमस, र थप कुराहरूको लागि एक आदर्श उपहार हो।
  • प्रियजनहरूको लागि: को लागि हार्दिक उपहार आमाहरू, बुवाहरू, हजुरबुबा हजुरआमा, साझेदारहरू, साथीहरू, र यहाँसम्म कि घरपालुवा जनावरहरू
  • सम्झनायोग्य सम्झना: आफ्ना मनमोहक तस्बिरहरूलाई एउटा अनौठो र दिगो सम्झनामा बदल्नुहोस्।

लेजर एच्ड फोटो किइरिङ

  • लेजर-एच्ड फोटोहरू: प्रत्येक चाबीको औंठी तपाईंको लेजर-एचिङ गरिएको तस्बिर र व्यक्तिगत नक्काशीको साथ बनाइएको छ।
  • प्रियजनहरूलाई सम्मान गर्नुहोस्: परिवारका सदस्यहरू र प्यारा साथीहरूलाई सम्झने एउटा अद्भुत तरिका।
  • उत्कृष्ट कृति सिर्जना: हाम्रा डिजाइनरहरूले तपाईंको छविको आकार र स्थिति समायोजन गरेर आश्चर्यजनक क्रिस्टल किरिङ बनाउँछन्।

विशेष सम्झनाहरूको कदर गर्नुहोस्

गर्वका साथ अष्ट्रेलियामा निर्मित

  • ब्रिस्बेन-आधारित: हाम्रो टोलीमा अनुभवी थ्रीडी मोडलिङ इन्जिनियरहरू र उद्योग-अग्रणी लेजर उत्कीर्णन प्रविधि समावेश छ।
  • गुणस्तर नियन्त्रण: हामीसँग कडा गुणस्तर नियन्त्रण प्रणाली छ।
  • उच्च-गुणस्तरका सामग्रीहरू: हामी प्रत्येक उत्पादनमा अद्वितीय कलात्मक आकर्षण छ भनी सुनिश्चित गर्न म्यानुअल रूपमा पालिस गरिएको, उच्च-गुणस्तरको K9 क्रिस्टल सामग्रीहरू प्रयोग गर्छौं।

उच्च-गुणस्तरका सामग्रीहरू

  • टिकाउ K9 ​​क्रिस्टल ग्लास: हाम्रा किरिङहरू टिकाउ K9 ​​क्रिस्टल गिलासबाट बनेका छन्।
  • लेजर-एच्ड: प्रतीक, तस्बिर र पाठ क्रिस्टल भित्र सतहमा कुनै क्षति बिना नै कुँदिएका छन्।
  • दिर्घकालिन: तपाईंको तस्बिर वर्षौंसम्म सुरक्षित र जीवन्त रहन सुनिश्चित गर्दछ।
  • सुरुचिपूर्ण डिजाइन: दैनिक प्रयोगको लागि सुन्दर र कार्यात्मक सहायक उपकरण सिर्जना गर्दछ।

विभिन्न प्रकारका कस्टम क्रिस्टल उपहारहरू:

हाम्रो क्रिस्टल मैनबत्ती होल्डरको अतिरिक्त, हामी विभिन्न आकार र आकारहरूमा विभिन्न प्रकारका अनुकूलन क्रिस्टल उपहारहरू प्रदान गर्दछौं, जसमा क्रिस्टल बलहरू, क्रिस्टल मुटुहरू, ३D आयतहरू, थ्रीडी क्यूब्स, हिमशिला क्रिस्टलहरू, सूर्यमुखी क्रिस्टलहरू, क्रिस्टल मैनबत्ती होल्डरफोटो किरिङहरू। तपाईंको लागि सधैं एउटा अनौठो उपहार उत्तम हुन्छ।

Customer Reviews

Based on 40 reviews
Beautiful photo Keyring

Not only did I like it, it exceeded my expectations. It shipped so fast. The background was removed as requested and it was very detailed.

Emily LIter
Perfect photo gift ideas

The quality is excellent and the image is even better than I was expecting,got this for my wife after the loss of our beloved cat,the moment she opened the box seeing our cats face looking straight at her brought tears to her eyes.

María jose
Great photo gift ideas

The crystal keyring is beautiful. It is a very good representation of the original photo.

Mark doherty
Beautiful Sentimental Memorial Gift

Great Quality, clarity and value. Wonderful gift idea. Better than I could have ever expected!

Patrick Claus
Amazing personalised photos crystal gifts

Purchased as a gift for my daughter and boyfriend. My husband and I are both thrilled with the quality, the size, the weight. It is just beautiful.

पूर्ण विवरण हेर्नुहोस्


FAQ: Crystal Photo Keyring

What is a Crystal Photo Keyring?

  • A Crystal Photo Keyring is a personalized keychain crafted from high-quality K9 crystal, featuring a laser-engraved or printed photo.
  • It allows you to carry a cherished memory wherever you go, whether it’s a loved one, a beloved pet, or a special occasion.
  • Designed with an LED light that automatically changes colors, the keyring enhances the visibility of the photo, making your memories shine even brighter.

What kind of photos work best for engraving?

For the best results:

  • Use high-resolution images with good lighting and contrast.
  • Close-up portraits work well, as they capture details clearly.
  • Avoid blurry or low-quality images, as they may not translate well onto crystal.
  • Avoid using dark or black photos; images with moderate grayscale work best.

Who is this crystal photo keyring suitable for?

This Personalized Crystal Photo Keyring is perfect for:

  • Family members (parents, grandparents, siblings)
  • Couples (anniversaries, weddings, Valentine’s Day)
  • Pet lovers (custom pet photo keyrings)
  • Friends (birthday gifts, special memories)
  • Graduations and memorial gifts

How many portraits can be engraved on the Crystal Photo Keyring?

  • The Crystal Photo Keyring has a relatively small engraving area, making it best suited for a single person or pet portrait. A close-up facial image provides the clearest and most detailed result, ensuring that the engraved photo remains sharp and recognizable.
  • While it is possible to engrave up to two faces, adding three or more significantly reduces clarity and detail, making the images harder to distinguish. For the best engraving quality, we recommend one portrait, with a maximum of two for optimal visibility.

Can the Crystal Photo Keyring be engraved with a 3D image?

  • No, the Crystal Photo Keyring is designed for 2D engravingrather than 3D laser engraving. The keyring’s compact size makes it unsuitable for 3D engraving because a 3D image requires a high density of laser points to create depth and dimension. Applying this level of detail in a small crystal may cause the crystal to crack or break.
  • For those interested in 3D laser-engraved designs, we recommend larger crystal products such as 3D crystal cubes or rectangular blocks, which can accommodate the necessary engraving depth while maintaining structural integrity.

Is the Crystal Photo Keyring durable?

Yes! Made from high-quality K9 crystal, the keyring is scratch-resistant and long-lasting. However, as it is still a glass-like material, it should be handled with care to avoid accidental drops or impacts.

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Crystal Photo Keyring – A Personalised Gift for Every Occasion

A Meaningful Crystal Gift to Cherish Memories

Transform Memories into a Lasting Keepsake

The Personalised Crystal Photo Keyring allows you to engrave or print a cherished image onto a high-quality K9 crystal, preserving special moments in a sleek and modern way.

Perfect for Any Special Memory

Whether it's a portrait of a loved one, a pet, or a milestone event, this photo gift keeps meaningful moments close at hand.

Compact and Stylish for Everyday Use

The keyring’s lightweight design makes it convenient to carry, attach to keys, bags, or accessories, ensuring your memories stay with you wherever you go.

Premium Craftsmanship for a Lasting Impression

Made from High-Quality K9 Crystal

This crystal gift is crafted from premium K9 crystal, offering superior clarity, durability, and a smooth, polished finish.

Precision Engraving or Printing for Sharp Details

The advanced laser engraving or printing technology ensures that your photo appears sharp, detailed, and long-lasting.

Secure and Elegant Metal Keyring

The sturdy metal ring provides a strong and stylish attachment, making it a practical yet elegant accessory.

Color-Changing LED Light for a Stunning Effect

Automatically Shifting LED Colors

The keyring features an automatic color-changing LED light at the top, cycling through various shades to enhance the beauty of the engraved or printed photo.

Illuminates the Photo with a Mesmerizing Glow

The soft, changing light highlights intricate details, making the photo keyring visually captivating.

Perfect for Low-Light Settings

Whether used at night or in dim environments, the glowing crystal effect adds a magical touch to this personalised gift.

A Thoughtful and Versatile Personalized Gift

A Heartfelt Gift for Any Occasion

This crystal photo gift is ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, Christmas, graduations, and other special events.

Suitable for All Ages and Relationships

Whether for family, friends, or partners, this custom crystal gift serves as a sentimental keepsake that is both elegant and practical.

Easy Customization and Fast Shipping

Simple and Convenient Ordering Process

Upload your chosen photo, let our skilled artisans create a beautiful photo gift for you.

Quick Processing and Reliable Delivery

With fast shipping, you’ll receive your crystal gift promptly, making last-minute gifting effortless.

A Unique Way to Carry Your Memories

Whether as a personal treasure or a thoughtful present, this crystal photo keyring is a timeless keepsake that keeps your cherished moments close.

How Crystal Photo Keyring Are Crafted